Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Whale you be my Valentine? Most Dolphinetly!

Happy Valentine's Day! I would go on and on about how it stinks to be single on Valentine's Day but it's not. I love Valentine's Day and I loved today. I looked forward to it and I was not disappointed. Let me share :)

I love Valentine's Day because it is essentially about love. It does not have to be a romantic love, just love. It's about hearts and pink and candy and flowers and everything happy. It could be a commercialized holiday fabricated to empty our pockets (which is probably true) but it could also be a day where friends make a point of getting dinner, dressing up and showing their love.

I have always had many Valentine's but never any "official" ones. This year, my friend Meghan and I were each other's Valentine's. Then I had the wonderful surprise of my sisters planning a visit to Geneva with dinner included so I spent the night surrounded by some of my favorite people on this planet.

Stephanie (WHO I HAVEN'T SEEN SINCE BEFORE BELGIUM!!!) and Meghan :)

Leah and I :)

The Four of us trying to get a picture with all our eyes open....slightly successful. 
Four Valentine's, how blessed we are!

My Valentine

A surprise from my boss, only been working for him for a month and he knows what I like haha All the RAs got Valentines, it's the thought that counts.

Yes, I love Valentine's Day. I love getting cards from my Parents and sister and I love having an excuse to be with the people I love and not even think about all the work that is due tomorrow. Because, when it comes down to it...these people will always be there for me. Homework will not. They will (and have) helped me through life and I was so thankful to have drive all the way to my school just to make my day. Put that together with my true Valentine who romances me consistently and I am just the most blessed girl you could know.

I wish everyday could be Valentine's Day. Well, maybe I won't go that far :)

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