Sunday, March 11, 2012


An increase in both good weather and mid-term work calls for many walks and over-worked brains. If one thinks it is a good idea to cross the busiest road on campus by closing one's eyes, holding a "lucky cricket" stretched out in front and yelling back to one's friends that one has "the lucky cricket!" is probably not the best idea. Even if it is in imitation of one of the best Disney movies, it is probably not a good idea. Because, even if one looks both ways before this scenario, the friend one is walking with will proceed to yell at said friend that the friend will get killed or something like that. And then the crowd that has decided to wait to cross the road will stand there and stare like the person is crazy. Not that I would know any of this from experience.... but sometimes being sleep deprived and thinking that you're the funniest person in the world causes cars and people to stop and notice just how ridiculous you are. Just saying.

Because you just never know what adventures will happen with a lucky cricket:

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