Yet if your brother is grieved because of your food, you are no longer walking in love. Do not destroy with your food the one for whom Christ died. Romans 14:15
Loving people is what Jesus did best. Every breath He breathed, every word He spoke and every deed He did was to love. His great and enduring love was made manifest to the world when, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
But this love is an all-consuming love meant to alter our very existence. Or rather, fulfill it. God calls us to show this world (the one He created) His unconditional love. Each day He calls us to love in the way He did. He loved in the big things but He also loved in the little things. Never did an opportunity pass Him by where He didn't show the person love.
With this conviction I have tried to be Jesus to the world. With the words of my mouth and the works of my hands and every breath that I breathe I try to be Him. Because I am human that is impossible but He only asks that we try. However, it is possible to do good deeds without love for the person. It is possible to serve food at the food pantry without loving the people. I have been guilty of doing good things not to "show Jesus" but for my own personal gratification. God has been working in my heart to truly love people that drive me crazy. I don't know how long He has been working on this but He keeps showing up in different ways to guide my heart.
I find it easy to love people that love me. I think everyone does. But to love someone that is really annoying? That keeps wronging you? That won't forgive or give forgiveness to you? That slanders? That just drives you CRAZY? He calls us to love them. Why? Because that rude boy that cut you off this morning is the one for whom Christ died. Every person we encounter is precious in God's sight. He loves them. He sent His son for them! Who are we to not love them when Christ loved us?
It is humbling to think about people in this regard. In relationships, in job-settings, on the metro, at the park, all of our interactions with people should be dictated by the thought that Jesus values their hearts so much to die for them. That person. That heart. He loved and died for. It needs to be cared for in the way that He would care for it. Because you, me, and that person we need to pray extra for are the ones for whom Christ died for.
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