Thursday, March 14, 2013

It's all Greek to me

The summer before I started college I sat in a class where the teacher told me to cross off a word in my Bible because it was not necessary. I remember getting upset and wondering who this guy was to tell me to edit the Bible. I talked things through with some leaders at the camp and voiced my concern. With just two years of Greek, he became an expert on Biblical Greek? Right. I knew I was no expert but there were plenty of others who had done the work to bring us the Gospel.

Fast forward two weeks and I'm talking with my Adviser about classes. My seminar with her was on Ancient Warfare and the Iliad and, though we had had only one class, I knew I would love it. She suggested I take Ancient Greek. My thoughts went immediately back two weeks and I said yes. I figured that next time someone told me to cross off a word because they were acquainted with Greek, I would be able to challenge them.

The first year was simply understanding the language and vocabulary. Then we went into translating Euripides, Xenophon, Aristophanes, and Plato. I am by no means an expert, but I know so much more now than I did three and a half years ago.

Currently we are translating the book of Mark from the New Testament and I am just amazed at how God has worked it all out. I got to look into other writers and styles of Greek before I got to the purpose of my study; the Bible. It overwhelms me at times and I almost start crying because I am holding the text of everything I believe; in its original language. I show off my leather, golden edged Greek New Testament like I'm a child. Most of my friends get excited because they know it is one of my greatest passions, but I can't think of a whole lot else more important than the Book in my hand. I love it.

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