Thursday, January 19, 2012


I have cried more here in Geneva than I did in Belgium. I think it is an interesting paradox. Over there I was more by myself, separated by thousands of miles and only the occasional communication. Here I have basically everything I need AND I speak the language. It has just been a little rough.

The first couple of days I was at training and almost the entire staff had changed from last year. I knew virtually no one and it was strange having people come up to me and acting as if I was the new person on staff (I'm a Resident Assistant for an all girls floor, similar to my role last year). I have been there longer than most of them! It was also difficult because I am back in Freshman housing. I was fortunate last year to work as an RA in the all female residence hall. When I was on duty (going on rounds to make sure no one is passed out or doing "activities" against the Community Standards) very little happened because all the first year women were 1) well behaved 2) down partying in Freshman housing or 3) both. This semester I'm on duty with the co-ed housing. I lived in the same building Freshman year, learned a lot and decided I never wanted to live there again. God always like to switch things up :)

I know it sounds like I am complaining but the truth is....I am. Up to today, I didn't really want to be here. I LOVED Belgium. There were the rough patches but ohhh there were so many amazing things. Everyone keeps asking me "How was Belgium!?" and I really can't describe to them the things I saw, the people I met, the way God showed me how AMAZING He is.... I wonder if my eyes glaze over and a cheesy smile crosses my face...

It's difficult to actually have responsibilities. I have 26 young women in my care now. I went through their names before I met them, praying for them...knowing that somehow, for some reason God knew what He was doing when He put me on this floor. I love them already.

Things started to look up when my boss (who, I must remind you, only knows me as the "girl who went to Belgium and is now back") came up to my room to check on my floor decorations. The door was propped open and I was shoved in a corner sitting on a half seat, surrounded by all my unpacked belongings. I had a marker in my hand as I was writing the names on the door tags. He entered and said "Hi Krissy, uhhh, you have blue on your lip." Embarrassed, I ran behind the propped door to look in the mirror. I had blue marker on my lip and teeth. Apparently it is not a good idea to wipe your moist mouth with hands that have marker on them. Awkwardly, he stood on the other side of the door as I quickly cleaned my face. He asked if I made a habit of eating markers. I replied it was a habit I was trying to break. We went out into the hallway to look at my floor and I was talking with my hands (I gesture a fair amount...can't help it) when I looked down and saw that both my hands were blue. He noticed at the same time and said "You're a wreck, aren't you?!" I almost burst into tears because it was true!!! I replied that the transition was hard. He got a taste of the real Krissy. I had to laugh later that night....oh course one of his first impressions of me would be with paint all over my face. Of course. The next day we had a drug seminar as part of our training and the policeman said that a sign of a "sniffer" (someone that sniffs things to get high) was paint on their face. All I could think of was "Oh great, now Pete must think I'm a druggie."

We had our "Last Dinner" of RA training and they passed out encouragement notes that fellow RAs wrote to us. I got one that just made training for me. It was from a woman I had only known for a little, we chatted but because we were on different staffs I didn't see her that much. She lived in the room directly above me last year (and her roommate was always dancing at two in the morning so I visited it a couple of times to tell her to CALM DOWN) so I knew her. In her note she wrote that I had a kindness about me that made her say "I want to be her friend", that meant so much to me. Guess what? We just keep running into each other, hanging out and becoming friends :)

Then friends started coming and invading my room, Jane Austen was watched, updates made, ice cream enjoyed and it began to feel more like the school I use to love.

Academics were a stresser because, as you all may know, it was no secret how little work I did whilst in Belgium! DO THEY ACTUALLY EXPECT ME TO WORK!?! haha, not going to lie, I'm going to have to kick myself into gear. Somehow my grades turned out well from abroad (Thank you, Lord!) Today I had an epiphany and decided that I'm going to double major in International Relations (that was already decided) and Ancient Greek (because I LOVE it!). I ran from one Advisor's office to the other, things seem to be falling into place!!!

My body must be "adjusting" (hmm, that doesn't sound familiar or anything) because I ended up at the Health Center today with swollen glands, coughing, other wonderful symptoms and pink eye. Why not start the semester off well? I must just love the attention I get from doctors.

But my twin brother and cousin brought my futon and rug (among other things) up to school so now this room is starting to feel more like home :) I had to have my boss come and help us take it apart because we got the futon stuck on the stairs while we were trying to get it to the fourth floor. He helped, they carried and in the end, I'm just one very blessed girl. I have my God who always works out the situations I don't want to be in, I have homemade food brought up, my futon to sit on, the sunflowers from my dad and the constant reminder everyday how much I'm loved.

Yeah, this is not going to be smooth sailing but tis life, everything can't be perfect, can it?

Let's see what wonderful things will happen this semester, what things God will teach and who He will bring into my life.

I won't lie, I'm kind of excited :)

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