I have the worst habit of waiting. If I get an assignment, I most likely won't even look at it until the day before it it is due. I work better under pressure. I always have and always will. I just can't stand it when no one understands this :)
This is not a post about how wonderful I am, I just think that the world needs to know about people like me: Incubators.
My older sister sent my mom an email with a link and the phrase "I'm pretty sure 4 of your 5 kids are incubators". Incubators?! Curious, I opened the link, unknowing what it would share about me (I'll read anything that might explain my personality or habits....anything about youngest children I have probably read time and time again), I opened the link and my eyes were open.
The article discussed the differences between Procrastinators and Incubators. Everyone knows who a procrastinator is, but what is an incubators? There is a checklist to figure out if you are an incubator or not:
Taken from this article: http://www.cnn.com/2010/LIVING/worklife/02/16/o.procrastinator.or.incubator/index.html
4 - Perfectly describes me
3 - Describes me somewhat
2 - Does not really describe me
1 - Does not describe me at all
A.___ I always get my work completed on time.
B.___ The quality of my work is superior.
C.___ It takes a looming deadline to motivate me.
D.___ When I finally get to work, I feel highly engaged.
E.___ I surprise myself by moving into action at the last minute.
F.___I do my best work under pressure
If you scored a 20 or higher, you may be an incubator.
Incubators are different from procrastinators in the fact that they purposefully put off work. They watch movies, visit with friends and enjoy the day, knowing that the deadline will kick them into action.
It has taken me quite some time to accept this about myself. I use to scold myself for every late night I pulled because I used my time in other "activities". I would call my parents crying (I know I'm 21, but sometimes a girl just has to cry) bemoaning the fact that "I always do this to myself....wahhh". Now, it is to the point where they don't listen to me because they know this is how I function. One day when I was in Belgium I had the entire day off. I also had a paper due the next day. When did I start the paper? Ten pm. Why? If I had started it at ten am then it would have taken me all day. However, I started it so late that I could push all my creative/academic juices 100% into a small period of time. That, and a lot of prayer and I have survived every paper. Never underestimate the power of prayer. God cares even about the little things.
The phrase I have begun to (academically) live by is something my twin brother has said to me multiple times. Being my older brother (by a mere nine minutes!), he is always right. I should probably question my siblings more but they're all just so smart....they have to know what they are talking about! Anyway, sorry for the rant, he always says "If you wait to the last minute, it only takes a minute." Genius. Words to live by.
This has been my anthem throughout my academic career. It was no different when I had a research paper due this last Friday. I started researching at 7pm, went to bed at 2:30am, woke up 5:30am, researched till 7am and then had that 8 page research paper done by 11:30am. Arnold Palmer and prayer got me through the paper. I was talking with a friend in class and told her what I had done (chuckling guiltily...I must sound so ridiculous to those who share this life with me). The guy behind me was like "WHAT!?" I quoted Josiah and said "If you wait till the last minute, it only takes a minute." There was a pause as those sitting in the room (the professor had yet arrived) processed what I said. I saw the light turn on in his eyes as he said "That makes so much sense" (cue agreement laughter across the room). I was happy to prove a point and show that not everything I did proved to be a bad idea but as I turned around I had to cringe. I was hoping that people would not start following my way of life. It works but it is stressful and full of sleep-deprivation. It also only works for some people. I thrive under pressure whereas some of my friends freeze. I hope I don't cause a movement of people "only taking a minute" for important assignments. oops.
I posted the article on my facebook page and a lot of people commented on how "this is so me!". We finally have a title. We are real people that usually end up in jobs that demand the ability to work well under pressure and deadlines. We are the people that respond quickly to changes and flourish under stress. Give or take a little. I'm not preaching this way of living, I'm simply explaining my life and how I'll never get the sleep one needs on a daily basis. And I know, I just know that I am not alone in this.
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