I am convinced that half of my page views come from my mom. I don't tell her when I update the blog but she always seems to know and texts me after she reads it telling me that she enjoyed it. She is my greatest cheerleader and, along with my dad, has applauded each accomplishment and encouraged each failure, stating that my life will always be in God's hands and that whatever happens will be His Will. I'm so thankful to God that she is my mother. Growing up, I did not realize that I would soon reach an age where my mother would become my friend. I've always had a great relationship but it became different when I became an adult and I love talking to her honestly, knowing that she isn't judging and even if she couldn't understand...she tries to . She has encouraged me to go where I feel God leads, even if it is far from home. Even if everyone deserted me (that would never happen), I could count on her to stand by and uphold me in her prayers and words. She has been my (and still is) my Christian example, teacher, advice giver, bad back-rub giver, listener, mentor, cheerleader, paper editor (those last minute papers definitely need someone else to check and make sure they made sense!), dearest friend, uplifter and encourager.
This crazy woman (along with my father) thought it was a great idea to have four children and have my mom stay home with them. God had different plans and sent twins (my dad likes to tell me that I wasn't planned) so, with five children under five, my parents raised us to be the people we are today.
I'm so thankful for my childhood filled with the sweetest memories of a crazy house with two young parents. I couldn't thank God enough for my mom who freely gives of herself, not only for her family, but for anyone who needs it and radiates the love of Jesus when she walks in the room.
She will blush to read this but it is true I wouldn't be Krissy without Penny in my life.
I love you Mom, happy birthday, you young thing!
I picked this particular picture because I'm wearing her wedding dress. Before I left for Belgium she thought it would be fun to have me try it on. I'm not sure if she thought I would die or what but it is a special picture of me, my mom and her wedding dress :)
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