I know this isn't making much sense but what I'm trying to say is that God gives you people. He gave me my family for my lifetime. He has given me people throughout my life to teach me something, to draw me closer to Him, to get me through a hard time, to just smile at me when I had a bad day, to help me out, to show me Jesus, to allow me to show Jesus, to just be with, to eat with, to spend late nights with, to plan with, to over analyze with, to argue with, to realize the person I do not want to be, and again, as always to teach me something. The amount of time that people have spent in my life ranges from a spit second encounter to years. When I was in Belgium I was terribly lost and I was with a woman a total of ten minutes and she possibly saved my life by getting me out of the rough part of town. She came into my life and just like that was gone. God uses people to fulfill purpose and I enjoy looking back to see the time when people came into my life and how God had it all perfectly worked out.
My friend, Meghan, and I have known each other probably since we were born. Our moms are best friends so we went to each others birthday parties and church events growing up. We liked each other but I was too awkward at that point in my life (still am!) and she thought I never talked. We remained friend-acquaintances (fracquaintances?). The beginning of senior year I went with my mom to some sort of home party at their house. Amy (her sister and one of my dearest friends) and Meghan showed up as my mom and I were getting ready to go. Amy invited me to stay over. My immediate internal response was "no". That was out of my comfort zone to stay the night at anyone's house. I was definitely a home-body. Surprisingly though, I said yes. Meghan and I laugh about it now because she was thinking "Why is Amy asking her to spend the night when we hardly know her?" while I was thinking "Why is she asking me to spend the night when I hardly know them?". That night everything seemed to click. They thought I was hilarious (something I only thought Diane believed!) and I just loved everything about them.
Fast forward past numerous late nights, plenty of ice cream, dates at the lake, lots and lots of laughter, tears, drama, dance parties, sweat pants, Pride and Prejudice, lime green punch bugs, music videos, benches, a road trip, devotions, prayers, Owl City, a strange obsession with Christian pick up lines, and matching outfits and you have us now. Meghan came into my life when I needed her, when God knew that I needed her. I'm so thankful for this Christian sister that will tell me the truth in love, celebrate my victories, listen to my anxieties, pray with and for me, sit with me by the lake and just be there for me, be it by text, call or letter.
She is proof, yet again, that I am so spoiled by my Father. For the last couple of years we have been planning/praying to go to Africa in 2013. Lord willing, we will be there in a year! God has broken both our hearts for the hurting and has put in us a desire to travel and share His love. I'm so blessed to have Meghan, even if we end up doing extremely ridiculous things (in public and private). I love her and I'm just so happy that I got to spend her 21st with her at our favorite place and doing our favorite things.
I'm so excited to see where God is going to take us both separately and together, He has such big plans!
I can't wait till we're in the nursing home causing mayhem together. Everyone will still think we're crazy...even after all that time.
Where it all began.
We happen to enjoy some of the same clothes...
Our love of benches in incomparable
The best balm is friendship
She is the #1 reason I smile at my computer
Location: Belgium and NY
Always my gorgeous date :)
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