Thursday, October 18, 2012

Captain America

I recently bought earrings off of etsy that make me so happy every time I see them. The earrings are replicas of Captain America's shield. Call me a nerd. Call me silly. I love him.

I love Super Heroes. I love their fights against evil, their costumes, and their desire to team together to save the world (except Batman, he is a loner). I remember one summer where my brothers and I spent many a nights watching the Justice League. Though Captain America is not part of the Justice League, he recently has had his own movie and a part in the Avengers (a very good watch if I do say so myself).

A quality guy with traditional values, Captain America has won the hearts of many a citizen.

What I love about Captain America, among other things, is the red, white and blue. I like to say that I was patriotic before I went abroad but I saw more shortcomings of the US then I would have liked to admit. However, it was while I was abroad that I fell more in love with my country because, though it has its short-comings, it is the best country on earth.

It took me living in another country with its own set of problems to realize that EVERY country is slightly messed up (some more than others). I mostly missed the people but I also missed the nation that is still a baby in the world's eyes. How old is our country? Two hundred years old? 

I could talk about the negative aspects of the USA but for now I just want to dwell in the fact that I'm American. I can do what I want. I can worship my God without fear of being killed, I can get an education and have a say as a woman. I can be protected and I can stand up for injustices. I have FREEDOM.

I thought most people outside of the US hated Americans and that is partially true but I believe a lot of it is jealousy because  WE ARE SO BLESSED! Other countries are wonderful, and I love traveling/living within their borders but there is something really special about calling this country home.

In the Avengers, there is a scene where Black Widow describes Thor and Loki as "gods". Captain America replies "There's only one God, ma'am and I'm sure He doesn't dress like that."

He will always be my favorite :) 
I love America

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