Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Last First Day

I have had two thoughts going through my head today as I had my last first day of undergraduate school.
1) Wooohoooo the day has finally come! Thank you, God!
2) Oh no. The day has finally did this happen?! I'm not ready?! Can we stop time?!

The truth is I'm happy to be finishing up my time here and seeing God's next plan. But I'm sad because I only have four more months of living with these amazing people. Can I take them with me? I'm already getting sentimental and wishing that it would go slowly but I know it won't. I know May 19th will be here (Lord willing) sooner than I wish. I'll be crying and saying goodbye to a life I have been blessed to have since August 2009.

I find comfort in the thought that college was really scary for me. Just the thought made me cringe. It is a miracle from God that I got into a school because when I get stressed, I freeze. That really helps in the application process. I couldn't really tell anyone how I ended up at this institution but I am so thankful I did. And I'm thankful that my friends did too. This experience has shaped so much of me and I know that the next one will be very different but part of life. I don't know if my body can stand staying up all night anymore... it is probably looking forward to graduation.

But I'm sad. And worried. And happy. And everything. woah, welcome to Senior Spring Semester!

So, happy last first day. I trust and pray that God will bless the next four months and really allow me to give Him the glory and bless those around me. I am, after all, here for Him. This semester is Yours, God! Use me!

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