I was beyond excited to go abroad. A really prayed over decision was about to come into fruition as I boarded the plane back in August. My summer was too busy for me to worry about going abroad. I had a business to run, parties to plan, camp to work, a wedding to be a part of and all the logistics of going abroad to do. I pushed away the sinking feeling of leaving the only place I called home and concentrated on all I had to do. The tears didn't come until I stood in the airport with my parents and twin brother. Then it all hit me. I wouldn't see the people that I loved the most in the world for four months. Four months, in the course of a lifetime, is not a lot of time but when you live an hour and a half away from college and have frequent visits from some member of the family (extended or core or adopted, yes I would consider my friends my adopted family)....being without these people seems very daunting. As I was preparing to board my flight my mom handed me a beautiful book (see above picture).
The inside cover read:
To Krissy Beth Stoner
August 22nd, 2011
Many who love you!
I opened the first page to read this note:
"Dearest Krissy, By the time you read this you should be on a plane on your way to your next adventure: Belgium! :) Compiled in this book are communion thoughts and messages from family and friends to encourage you while you are so far away. Remember that God is with you wherever you go and He made this wonderful world you are about to explore so there are no surprised to Him. We will be praying for you every day and looking forward to your return. We know you will have plenty of stories so try and write as many as you can in this book so we will be able to hear them all. Enjoy this great experience you are about to have. Just remember to keep God first in all of your decisions and choices and you can't go wrong. Much Love, Su Madre. Love you! Dad"
The tears continued.
As I boarded the plane and sat next to my friend Kristen (what a pleasant surprise that was!) I opened the book curious as to what exactly was inside of it. My mind was blown. Without my knowing, my mom and sister got my book to my friends at college, friends from home, dear brothers and sisters from camp and my family from all over the states. Inside the days were written out giving a page for each day I would be away. Each date had a note (or two!) from someone back home. There were drawings from my little cousins, pictures of happy memories, inside jokes, and so many heart-felt and uplifting letters. I looked through all of it once on the plane (I didn't read all of it, just glanced through) and then made a promise to myself that I would take it one day at a time and be surprised who wrote me.
So every night before I go to bed, I open my treasured keep sake and read my note for the day. It is seriously like opening a present and having it be that person, sitting right next to me on my bed and talking to me. I want to return the favor so I flip over the page and write my stories from that day. I insert ticket stubs, candy wrappers, hair (there is a lock of hair from when my host mom cut it. I'm documenting everything. Judge me if you want :), and anything that I can fit into the book.
It is my most treasured possession here. I would rather have my passport and money stolen rather than this book. I take it with me on my travels, writing it all down. I have another journal that keeps my more personal thoughts in it so that when I get home and someone asks me how my journey was I'll just hand them my book.
Each time I turn the page I feel a little sad because I realize that with each page turn, my adventure here is slowly ending. I have never physically "turned the pages" on my life and this just reminds me how short life is and how I really need to treasure it. Each day I'm alive is something special given to me.
I'm blessed beyond belief. This book is just one of the evidences to support that verdict. I will treasure it always and I can't wait to show future generations. This book is my testament here in Belgium. It is a testament to God. A testament of how God has worked and continues to work everything out for His glory. I'm looking forward to looking back at it and saying "God was leading me to this when that happened" or "He really taught me to trust Him on that day in September".
I could go on for days about this book and how, regardless of how great or awful the day is, I always end it with a loved one. Thank you.
"I thank my God upon every remembrance of you..." Philippians 1:3
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