Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Halfway Home

Ahhhh, halfway done! I would like to ask where the time has gone but I know exactly where it went. It went right into my memory box; to be treasured, pondered and cherished. Yes, that is where my time has gone.

I am a big proponent of self-reflection. It is something that I have tried to develop in the last couple of years and I think it is very important in any person's life, at any point in their life. I try to take a step back and see why I am doing something, or how I have grown from an experience, or even to discover what I have learned in the last year, month, day, or hour. I'm going to do that now to ensure that the next two months here are the most fulfilling they can be. Ready? Let's go...

Highlights so far from this Abroad Experience:
       -Celebrating my 21st birthday at the top of the Eiffel Tower with my roommate, (and soon to be known as my best friend/travel buddy/God-sent gift) Julia, and looking out into the city with the wind blowing in my hair and feeling completely happy.
        -Meeting Owl City and having such a big part of my summer/home singing and worshiping here in Belgium.
        -Walking at night, along the Rhine with the lights reflecting off of the water and the Cathedral beckoning us with its beauty. When we arrived, it did not disappoint as the candle light vigil gave our night a time of reflection and peace.
         -A much needed night spent in Antwerp with good food and good people.
         -The church soccer tournament near Antwerp. We won the championship and I had an amazing time getting to know my brothers and sisters that I had never met before :)

Though these highlights were amazing, they were moments written into my calendar... Now let me tell you what I love about here :)

-I love my house; the four flights of stairs, the feather blanket, the wood stove, the huge windows and my family. I love the times I can share with Marc, Barbara, Sebastian, Jasper and Kiki. I love the game nights, the singing in their room with them, the "highs" and "lows" of the day, the "hi Krissy" from Sebastian when I walk in the door and the music lessons from Jasper. I love going to choir with Barbara and the random long conversations we get into. I love my roommates and how I can be comfortable in my own room and count on them.

- I love my church family here. I love the warm smiles and hugs when I walk in the door, the sincere emails asking how I am doing, and the lunch dates I go on. I love that I can go anywhere and automatically have friends in Christ. There isn't any awkward middle ground; just the knowledge that we are already friends :)

-I love the walk to my internship and the beautiful landscape of the city I get to see. I love my quiet time on the 45 minute walk and the prayer list that runs through my mind (yes, I pray for you!).

-I love the close friendships I have made here. I'm so grateful for the time I get to spend with people here. It has been on my mind lately that every moment of time spent with someone is a gift from them. They could choose to be with anyone else, doing anything else, but  yet they choose to spend time with me and give me a little of their life. It means a lot. Spending time with people is one of the most valuable gifts I could ask for. I'm so thankful for all the "gifts" I have been given these last two months.

-I love the Speculoos. It is seriously a drug. Please try it. I beg you. (In the US it is called biscoff spread). Sometimes I wonder what my food life was like before I tried this delectable invention.

-I love the diversity I get to experience on a daily basis.

-I love the accordion player that serenades the morning commuters on the metro.

-I love bringing my french/english bible (with my name engraved on it) to the bilingual church service; I feel like I can fool people into thinking I know french.

-I love learning this beautiful yet difficult language called french and practicing it any chance I get :)

-I love my skype dates, every single one of them.

-I love the letters that I get/brought with me to open on certain dates. I love looking through the pile of mail and recognizing familiar handwriting; filling my heart with a child-like happiness.

-I love my book. (I will elaborate more on this in a separate post since it is that amazing).

-I love my cheezy friendship things that were given to me so that every time I look in the mirror or at my key ring or on my shelf, I feel loved.

What have I learned (surely there has been much learning....just maybe not in the classroom!)

-To not make eye contact with guys in public. They won't think that your unassuming smile is just to brighten their day and share the love of Jesus. Nope. They will either think you are weird or sweet on them.

-When crossing the street walk either with an elderly woman or a big guy. Before crossing the street (the drivers are crazy here) I first look at the size of the car and gauge how much it would hurt to get hit. If the car is small I walk out into the street and pray it stops. If the car is large then I wait till an elderly woman comes by or a big guy. Then I walk almost too close to them. This is in case we get hit. I have deducted that if I were to get hit, the driver would probably not notice the slender american getting hit like a bug on his windshield. He would, however, notice hitting a big guy. There would be a dent and as the driver got of the car to look I would then be discovered too. An elderly woman automatically calls everyone's attention so the likely hood of getting hit with her is very slim. This is what I have learned about the roads here. I refuse to die over something like not paying attention to the road. I would much rather die doing something productive or enjoyable.
-That I do not want to sit at a computer for the rest of my life. I enjoy my internship but I refuse to do that for a career. I would prefer working with people out in the field rather than sitting at a computer feeling my muscles decompose (this is just personal, I really respect people who work at computers....I just could never do it).
-That people really do care and will be there when you need them. It is so easy to believe that sometimes no one cares, but since being over here and getting sick while having a couple of other things going on I have learned that there are a lot of good people in the world that would do anything for me.
-I have learned french :)
-I have learned how good God is to me and how I will never deserve how truly wonderful He is. He has blessed me in so many ways. If I were to describe all of them to you....I wouldn't ever stop.
-I have learned to fully rely on God. Being alone in a foreign country with everything new really gives a new perspective to life.
-That it is okay to get lost....again.....and again.
-I have learned to use public transport.
-I have gained a better understanding that I really can do what I want to do. Anything is just a plane ride away.
-Sometimes I will just look stupid but in the end it will be worth it....or provide a good story.
-That just because one is abroad, does not mean one changes bad academic habits.
-That I'll never be as fashionable as these Europeans.
-That Europeans are quite frank with their dislike of each other.
-A smile and a thumbs up are universal.

I have had some bad days here but they have helped me appreciate the good ones. I have cried, I have laughed, I have been scared, I have felt blessed, I have been frustrated, I have felt overwhelmed with gratitude, I have been stressed, I have been thankful, I have been hurt, I have been upset, I have been loved, and so much more.

The next two months are bringing me many adventures and I'm excited to see what comes. It is like the beginning of a new year. I always get so excited thinking about what I will do, who will I meet and how my life will be changed. I know this is the middle of my experience here, but can't it also be another beginning? Like each day? (oh I'm so cheezy. I get it from my mom).

I am sincerely so excited to discover what awaits me

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