Sunday, September 22, 2013


I didn't think that juggling a 9-5 job would be difficult with the way my life is right now. But it is. I'm tired. I am going to bed early. What is wrong with me!? I so appreciate those who go to work everyday. College did not prepare me for this. I got to take naps, stay up late, talk as much as I wanted. What exactly were they training me for anyway? :)

But I'll sure one of my birthday presents with you: a new bike! One I've always wanted. It has a wicker basket and I just bought a bell! Complete with a matching helmet. I'm in love.

I love riding it to work every morning and looking out across the river and appreciating the beautiful view God gives me each morning. I do not have a car right now so this works just fine. It is quite difficult to explain to people why I don't have a car. I realize, now, that it is definitely a privilege to drive. Insurance, repairs, gas; It's all expensive! Working this insurance business has made me very very thankful. I didn't even realize how blessed I was that my parent's have paid my insurance. More blessings to add to the list!

There is sunshine in my soul today,
More glorious and bright
Than glows in any earthly sky,
For Jesus is my Light

O there's sunshine, blessed sunshine,
When the peaceful, happy moments roll;
When Jesus shows His smiling face,
There is sunshine in the soul.

There is sunshine in my soul today,
For Jesus is my light.

My beautiful Momma

A dream come true!