Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Hi, it's been while

Yikes!!! My last post was written two and a half years ago! I promised I would write and I just let life run off and here I am, finally back. Filled with two and a half years of growing, learning, and more growing. Here is a brief list of what has happened:

-started dating my now husband
-fell in love with my now husband
-my now husband finds out he is being stationed overseas for two years
-find out I have a brain tumor
-doctors and second opinions
-a beautiful winter wedding bringing me more family :)
-good bye
-a baby niece
-brain surgery
-a baby nephew
-marrying my best friend
-good bye, surprise hello, good bye for six months, hello again
-my twin's wedding (with my husband home as my date!)
-good bye, moving plans and packing up.

It's crazy looking at this list as it doesn't cover hardly anything. One dash for several months, emotions, happy moments, dark moments and every second in between. I'm so thankful for so much. God has been so good to me. With big changes on the horizon I thought the time was right to write. Here we go again!